Aviornis International Netherlands
Association for preserving birds in aviculture
AVIORNIS International was formed in 1973 by a group of aviculturists to be an organisation that gathers bird fanciers who are occupied in aviculture and preserving the following bird orders:
* Struthioniformes, Rheiformes, Casuariiformes, Tinamiformes, Podicipediformes, Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes, Galliformes, Gruiformes, Charadriiformes, Pteroclidiformes, Columbiformes, Cuculiformes and Coraciiformes.
The Dutch chapter has been established in 1978. Today, it is one of the most important organisations in Europe in its field with around 8.000 members in 6 European countries. Actually, approximately 625 bird species are successfully kept by our members!
The AVIORNIS magazine helps to provide two of the main aims of Aviornis - to promote sound husbandry through captive breeding and to have closer co-operation between international breeders to promote their interests.
The avicultural side cannot be emphasised enough, with one of our main aims to promote sound husbandry in captive breeding and establish captive breeding programmes.
What can AVIORNIS offer you?
AVIORNIS can bring you, among other things,
- A splendid full-colour magazine, with a wealth of information for starters and experienced keepers. Reports of first breeding of specific species.
- The possibility to join local activities like informative lectures and visits to private parks.
- Support, where necessary, with requests and offers for your birds.
- Promotion of contacts with other chapters and members in Europe.
What are the objectives of AVIORNIS?
- To support and co-operate with other organisations on scientific programs to preserve bird species that have become nearly extinct.
- To stimulate (inter)national exchange of young birds in order to keep genetically healthy stocks of each species.
- To help our members with advice and information on the husbandry and breeding management of the wide diversity of bird species.
- To contribute, together with other international organisations, to scientific programs, aimed at the re-introduction of bird species that have become (locally) extinct due to natural catastrophes or other reasons.
Under the wings of Aviornis International some studygroups work to exchange information about populations in aviculture of specific bird families and genera. The studygroups have participating members worldwide, from both private collections and zoological institutions. The studygroups are:
- Ibisring, for ibis and spoonbills (Threskiornithidae)
- Turaco (Musophagidae)
- Ruffed pheasants (Chrysolophus spp.)**
- Peacock pheasants (Polyplectron spp.)**
- European Jungle Fowl Group (Gallus spp.)**
- Wild pigeons, doves and small grouse
- Hornbills (Bucerotiformes)
And then we have Jong Aviornis (Young Aviornis), a group of teenage aviculturists in Belgium and the Netherlands. Together they enjoy excursions and meetings to both private and zoological collections.
** These studygroups work in collaboration with the World Pheasant Association (WPA-Benelux).
Would AVIORNIS be something for you?
Join AVIORNIS today! Please visit our European portal at www.aviornis.eu to find the chapter of your country. You may also contact the secretary of Aviornis International Netherlands.
*Aviornis is an organisation for aviculturists of the following avian orders:
Struthioniformes (ostrich), Rheiformes (rheas), Casuariiformes (emus, cassowaries), Tinamiformes (tinamous), Podicipediformes (grebes), Pelecaniformes (cormorants and pelicans), Ciconiiformes (egrets, ibis, spoonbills, flamingos), Anseriformes (screamers, swans, geese, ducks), Galliformes (gallinaceous birds), Gruiformes (cranes and rails), Charadriiformes (plovers, stilts, waders etc.), Pteroclidiformes (sandgrouse), Columbiformes (pigeons and doves), Cuculiformes (turacos, hoatzin, cuckoos) en Coraciiformes (hornbills, kingfishers, rollers etc.).

- The Aviornis International magazine
More information
If you would like to learn more about Aviornis, its European chapters and studygroups, please visit our website www.aviornis.eu